Instagram name: elizabek_mk

Thursday 12 January 2017

Popart Picture

I was given a popart project. We had to take a portait picture and turn it into popart. We were told to find inspiration, which I found hard, because I find it easier to come up with my own ideas. I eventually found a picture to use as my inspiration source and the first thing i noticed was the way the picture had used different colours. My popart picture is supposed to represent feelings. Each colour can be translated to its own feeling, and I feel that this quote "Live Life In Colour" explains that. To create my picture I used Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) and Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 bit)! 🙂

Smellende Kjærlighet

In my media and communication class we were given a project to make a film in groups. The film I made is called Smellende Kjærlighet, and a rough translation of that would be Smashing Love. Hope you enjoy.
Ps. This film is in Norwegian. Sorry if you can't understand it. 🙂