Instagram name: elizabek_mk

Thursday 1 June 2017


 Solar Panel Project:
We had a science project mixed with media. The poster explains the different elements of a solar panel in norwegian, also I made the poster with Adobe Illustrator CS6.

Friday 26 May 2017

Car Fix Logo

The first part is what I started off with, my moodboard. In my progress you can see that the logo changed towards the end of the work. It changed because the original logo was a bit too busy and complicated and it could not just be in black and white. So I simplified the logo and made it only black and white. I started with just placing the logo over the top of the car fix font and then decided that if the car was a little smaller and taller it looked a little like the A in CAR, so I place the car into the text and carried on working with that. Then I wanted a background to finish it all off, so I used yellow because it is a colour that reminds me of cheap. I liked the idea of using the shape, a circle, because it to be a circle makes the company seem safe and if it had corners it would be like areas you can hurt yourself or your car. So a circle made it seem that there are no bumps in the business and everything moves smoothly

Final Black and White Logo:

Final Colour Logo:

Back of T-shirt:

Business Cards:

Monday 24 April 2017

FAKE news

Some people will have guessed this already but this is FAKE news! The task at school was to make up news about anything, but it had to be something that could be slightly believable. If you read the news down the side of the page, they are actually all true, it's just the main topic that is false. With cut and paste I took the VG logo from and used this to make the news look more professional and realistic. 

Thursday 16 March 2017


At school we have been working with radio and sound. The topic for the radio project was bullying. This is my finished radio project, about cyber bullying. If you want to find out more about cyber bullying go to

Tuesday 14 March 2017


Not too long ago we had mini photoshoots at school and afterwards we had to edit our photos.
This is my original photo:

Information about original: ISO-1600, F-stop: f/18,
This is my edited photo:

Basically, all I did with this photo is used Adobe Photoshop CS6 and I changed and enhanced the lighting of certain parts of the photo, using modify and feather, I also changed the saturation of the photo, which makes the picture look less dull. 

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Game of Thrones

As a school project, we had to write a newspaper segment with our meanings on the program or film we chose to write about.

Game of Thrones or GoT for short, is a TV program that can be seen on HBO Nordic. This an amazing program, with dramatic scenes, a great script, and a lot of death. This program is recommended for nearly everyone, but it is not suitable for children.

The world of GoT is divided into four main lands, but the focus throughout the program is on two of them – Westeros and Essos. In the different lands throughout the world of GoT there are 9 different houses, and everyone and I mean, literally everyone is fighting in a battle to gain control over the lands. The GoT is a unique program and there isn’t anything else quite like it. With the battle over the throne you expect a little death to appear in the program, but a little is a BIG understatement.

With the Game of Thrones episodes, you have zero chance of being bored, every episode has at least one person who dies and there is always a possibility that it is your favourite character. Because unlike most series Game of Thrones tends to enjoy killing of characters you start to get attached to. In my opinion you should be at least 14-16 years old before watching this program, otherwise you might find yourself in quite a shock, with murder, suicide, sorcery, resurrection, war, sex, abusive behaviour and a lot and I mean a lot of drinking, it’s not the most suitable program for younger viewers.

The theme tune of Game of Thrones is an unforgettable tune that tends to get stuck in your head. It was written by a German composer called Ramin Djawadi. The music is instrumental and features one major theme, and the Main Title, which then accompanies the show’s opening credits. Any GoT fan will know the tune of by heart.

So, this program isn’t fit for all, but it is an amazing series that you should try out if you think you’re at a suitable age. Even though the show can be frustrating at times, with the amount of deaths that happen, it is still intriguing to find out what happens. 

Thursday 16 February 2017

Media day

Today we had a full day of learning about different ways and methods of making and designing media products. Teachers, students and guests talked to us about these things. To be honest I thought the day would be pretty boring, to my surprise it was quite interesting to watch and listen to what they had to say. The presentations didn't really inspire or help me to know and understand what I want do as a career, but it did make me feel like I am on the right path.